Danny hails from Harlem USA (New York). “Heaven up in Harlem” was created 11 years ago when, tragically, a close and very dear friend, of Danny’s, Calee Sanders, was gunned down. Calee lost his life, like so many of our loved ones, at a very young age. This fateful event led Danny and close friends, Alicia and Joy, to honor Calee’s memory at a cookout the ladies gave during the hot summers in Harlem.
By the second year of honoring Calee’s memory Danny decided to get t-shirts made up with, which I’m told was the original name, “It’s Hard Being Handsome in Harlem” (Lol). Even though Harlem has some handsome guys that name quickly changed to “Heaven up in Harlem Calee Cookout” to represent Calee and ALL our loved ones that have passed on. As we all know, a lot of our loved ones have fall victim to street violence and Cancer (along with a few other illnesses).
This event quickly moved from a cookout in Harlem to Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR) State Park in Westchester County, New York. The event is held every year on the 3rd Sunday in July. Putting this event together is no easy task. Danny had to incorporate a committee (made up of family and close friends) to manage all the purchases, prepare and serve food, contract buses, purchase and design t-shirts, park set-up and clean-up, man grills and, of course, a DJ. And we all know who stays on the mic!! Every year the t-shirt design becomes more difficult because each year there’s at least two to three more people added to the memorial list.
By year six “Heaven up in Harlem Calee Cookouts” had grown into a multi-state event, with more and more people wanting to attend the summer festivities — coming across bridges, south and north of New York. The annual gathering has become like a reunion, bringing people together that haven’t seen each other in years. People that don’t get out much have come out to enjoy this touching event.
After Danny’s heart-breaking loss of his sister Carol in 2013, the event’s marquee name changed to “Heaven up in Harlem Calee & Carol Cookout.” Everyone that attends this yearly event has lost someone dear to them. We all come together to support each other, celebrate the life our loved ones lived and to enjoy and celebrate the life we all should be living. Life is too short!! We have to show love to each other — help one another – support each other – uplift each other!! This is why Danny puts his heart and soul, time and energy into doing this every single year. July 17th was the 11th “Heaven up in Harlem Calee & Carol Cookout.”
At the end of each cookout we take a “Moment of Silence” to remember our loved ones and all white balloons are released to the heavens in their memory. Let’s make sure we keep this going in honor of our ANGELS!